Myeena le shes khopa lemels - Sitkum moxt
Nadja Adolf
nadja at NODE.COM
Wed Aug 28 07:48:23 UTC 2002
(Musical chairs with mules - Part 2)
Kahkwa kwanwsum, wake tilikum munk myeena le shes khopa lemels. Ikt Ikt man
yaka munk kwannum tilikum tikegh munk heehee. Kunsih munk kwannum kopet,
tilikum ikt pi ikt lolo ikt le shes khopa kweo-kweo. Ikt ikt man yaka
mahsh ikt le shes. Konaway tilikum mitwit tenas siah le shes klaska mitlite.
Usually people do not play musical chairs with mules. Someone counts all the
people who want to play the game. When the count is done, the people each
carry one chair into a circle. Someone removes one chair. All the people
stand up not far from the remaining chairs.
Ikt ikt man munk myeena pi tilikum klatawa wake siah khopa le shes. Kunsih
myeena kopet, tilikum cooley hyak khopa le shes pi mitwhit khopa le shes,
kopet ikt man ikt le shes.
Someone plays music and the people walk around the chairs. When the
music stops, people run fast to the chairs and sit on the chairs, only
one person per chair.
Pus man yaka cooley klawah pi wake iskum le shes, yaka klatawa klahnanie.
Wegh mahsh ikt le shes. Tenas hiyu laly tilikum kapswalla le shes, kwutl ikt ikt man klak le shes.
If someone goes slowly and he doesn't get a chair, he goes out. Again a chair
is removed. Sometimes people steal chairs, push someone off a chair.
Kimta, klaska munk hee hee wegh. Kunsih mitlite kopet ikt man, hee hee kopet.
Then they play again. when only one person remains, the game ends.
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