Off-topic; need recommend for Lakota dict or course

janilta janilta at J.EMAIL.NE.JP
Fri Aug 30 00:11:49 UTC 2002

Hello, Jeff,

I have two learning books for Lakota language and none is really
Everyday Lakota (dictionary for beginners) is interesting (and has a
cassette) but lacks explanations and logic. I know of another US method,
but, as it is (sorry !) very often the case for US books, mainly based
on endless drills without explanation (the language learner must be an
idiot unable to grasp the basic grammatical explanations I guess).
For Lakota, there is a method written by a French Lakota speaker (except
a recent Navajo book in France, there are few methods for the basic
learner on American languages made in the UK, Germany or France !) but
here again the book lacks logic as the author appears to be more a
Lakota enthousiast than a linguist !
I know of a good Lakota dictionary made in the UK recently but I think
the author is not a Lakota speaker himself (his statement) and has based
his book on the existing texts, not on the Lakota still actually spoken.
Lastly, I have found an interesting book called 'Lakota warrior' by
Joseph White Bull which has large excerpts of these Lakota texts (with
translation) written in the 30's about late 19th century events.

Cheers, Yann

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