
George Lang george.lang at UALBERTA.CA
Mon Feb 4 01:11:58 UTC 2002

This is getting curiouser and curiouser.  A couple of weeks ago we
had a thread on  "kleck".  Now comes "click".

Just after the kleck thread frayed out,  I had mentioned, in the context
of "clemel",  Nootka _L'ih-aq(w-)_ 'skin, hide, fur, outer covering' .

[Crossed lamba with high apostrophe, i, underdot h, hyphen, a, q
(superscript w). hyphen].  Sapir and Swedesh, _Nootka Tales_

Since Sturgis was on the Vancouver Island coast (if I remember right)
it might make some sense (or maybe might not to those with better
phonetics than mine) that Alan's "click" was not Jargon per se, but  a
so far unattested item in the Nootka Jargon (which I call the Nootka
Lingo) derived from the above.

Ross, does that work?


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