Q's re origin of coho and chum

Jeffrey Kopp jeffkopp at ATTBI.COM
Tue Jan 8 19:51:17 UTC 2002

Hi.  I received an inquiry from an author of a book about fishing who
needs to find the origins of both "coho" and "chum."  He said he
couldn't find anything on "coho," though my trusty American Heritage
Dictionary shows it (under "coho salmon") as "Alteration of cohose,
from Salish (Halkomelem)."

However, my AHD shows "chum" as "origin unknown."  The author who
wrote me did not tell me where he found this:

>The common name chum derives from the Native American Chinook
>language word for "striped" or "variegated" and is descriptive of the
>streaks and blotches markings on the body of the chum as it enters
>fresh water to spawn.

Would anyone care to comment before I reply?


Jeffrey Kopp

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