"Skookum Wawa" newspaper

Dave Robertson tuktiwawa at NETSCAPE.NET
Tue Jan 15 04:10:00 UTC 2002

This comes from indefatigable researcher Tina Wynecoop.  Thank you again, Tina!

-- Dave

Hi Dave:

I have been reading the transcript of a taped interview of James Howarth by
Jennifer K. Ferguson, former Museum Assistant to the American Indian
Collections, of the former Cheney Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington.
January 1999. (James is from the Colville Tribe and the Arrow Lakes Band.

On page 21 JF states there was a newspaper, newsletter, they used to put

JH says "It probably was! Volume I, No. 5."

JF says "Because we have a couple of copies at the museum and they called it
"Skookum WA WA."  First on was "Indians," and then next after that was
Skookum WA WA.  Jack Collier was the editor of the little paper and then
when the  war came then they decided they couldn't afford to do it anymore
because of the paper."

Dave, have you already discovered this publication?


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