New Home for Tenas Wawa On-Line

Jeffrey Kopp jeffkopp at ATTBI.COM
Thu Jan 24 23:10:27 UTC 2002

After four years and a half at Geocities, my Jargon page and the
Tenas Wawa On-Line have moved to

Stub pages with redirects have been posted at the old Geocities entry
points and all the inside URLs I could find that people had linked

The site has been basically completed for over a year, and remains
unchanged at its new location.  I do hope to improve its organization
and formatting when time permits.  (The site was built over four
years while I was learning what I was doing.)

If any glitches turn up as a result of the transition I would
appreciate a note.

I have plenty of space available and would welcome contributions of
merit (relevant links, papers or audio).  I can OCR papers.

P.S. I am looking for a photocopy of Demers which is clean enough to
OCR.  The microfiche scans at Canadiana are too poor to convert
automatically. (If I can't find such a copy I will need to go to the
library downtown and make a copy there on their coin-op machine from
the reference book they have.)



Jeffrey Kopp

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