
George Lang george.lang at UALBERTA.CA
Mon Jan 28 01:12:14 UTC 2002

The name sounds familiar but I can't find it in the stuff I have here and
now at hand this afternoon.  I admit to inhabiting that distant land only
in my dreams.  (It's -20 celsius outside as I write, a beautiful blue sky,
crunchy snow...)

What I did stumble across was, first, a reference in Silverstein's
"Chinookans" (in our beloved HNAI, here vol 7: 534, in the place
names next to the map), village number 46, in Multnomah territory,
"Clan-nar-min-amon" which looks to me like it had the same nominal
root.  But about this I am not sure.

I'm just fishing here, or rather gigging, but I notice that Boas has
_mEn_ for newt (semi-aquatic salamander).  He had this as one of
the habitually redoubled but not quite onomatopoetic stems in LC

So could Cathlaminimin be in any sense the 'place of those who hang
with the newt' (which King George Men pronounce with a yod)?

Or is this "etymologizing" in the loose sense of the word.


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