
David D. Robertson ddr11 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Fri Jun 14 16:11:57 UTC 2002

Not kinnikinnik (choose your preferred spelling of that one!)...

"Kickininee" is a well-attested, but now perhaps uncommon, variant
of "kokanee".  There's a provincial park by this name, not far from
Kamloops I think.

I'm guessing it does rhyme with "pickaninny", perhaps by transference of a
popular notion of pidgin English (PE) onto the newly learned English of BC

(Similarly, you can find "by and by" in _Kamloops Wawa_ Jargon, as a rare
equivalent to "alki".  And there are several _KW_ words that have a
strongly PE feel to them, like "katshem" for "to catch".)  The scant
information I've found on "kickininee" seems to suggest that it's a
*smaller* version of the kokanee, which piques my interest in a possible
influence from "pickaninny".

I don't have immediate access to good dictionaries of Canadian English, so
I wonder whether any of you could find & post more on this question.


-- Dave

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