getto ! / typo... janilta at J.EMAIL.NE.JP
Thu Mar 14 23:04:28 UTC 2002

Oha, Haruo-san,

Well, yes, I know 'eg' but thought 'f ex' was acceptable for 'for
example' in English as well. Thanks for the remark.
Yes, of course, I meant 'getto', even if the word is generally written
as 'get' (as in English, not in katakana on ad postings for example) and
its usual pronunciation nowadays is closer to Eng. 'get' than to
'getto', as it is often the case for recent borrowings. There is also
'getchuu' (from 'get you', I guess) but it is not quite standard yet I'm
Yes, 'naui' would become 'naukunai', thus 'naukunakatta', even if this
word itself is not so trendy anymore (bears maybe a flavour of the late

Sorejaa, Yann

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