[hulóyma] 'other...'

pasxapu pasxapu at DAKOTACOM.NET
Fri Oct 4 06:08:15 UTC 2002

This is kind of related to the earlier discussion on [sitkum sawash] and
CJ names/terms for certain kinds of people.  In reference to CJ
[hulóyma] meaning ‘other, another, different, etc.’ (Thomas 1970:65), I
am thinking that this lexical item has an equivalent in Nez Perce
(Sahaptian) perhaps indicating a borrowing (not sure what direction
though).  Thus, Nez Perce has ['alláyma] where ['alláy-] means basically
‘downriver region,’ ‘towards the Pacific Coast,’ etc. and [-ma] simply a
plural marker.  But taken together, it means “Frenchman (from
Similar to [sitkum sawash], ['alláyma] can have a negative reading.  
Phil Cash Cash (cayuse/nez perce)
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