Lang backgrounds of LEP students in 2000-2001

Bernard Schulmann bernard at SHAMA.CA
Mon Mar 1 18:09:27 UTC 2004

More than Frisian,  Saami, Kirgiz,   ?????

I have met people that can still speak various BC based aboriginal
languages fluently as a first language (though most of them are older
but some are being taught from birth in the interior of BC and so start
school as a first language aboriginal), but I have not run into anyone
that can still speak CJ fluently in this part of the world (yeah, many
people know words, but no language proficiency)

I will point out that I am 38, born in Canada but came into school at
age 5 speaking no English.   I grew up with Baltic German as my first
language (a dialect of German that was used in Estonia and Latvia up to
1939, my dialect use is specifically the Estonian variant of Baltic
German, at its peak in 1913 maybe 20 000 people spoke this variant)

The whole document looks wierd to me - how they came up with the numbers
suprises me.


Keith Carlson wrote:

> with skepticism?
> Keith
> On Sunday, February 29, 2004, at 05:52 PM, David Robertson wrote:
>> How are we to interpret this website's claim that 13 "Limited English
>> Proficiency" students, somewhere in the USA in 2000-2001, came from a
>> Chinook Jargon background?
>> --Dave R.

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