4-language code mixing

Dave Robertson ddr11 at UVIC.CA
Mon Aug 6 23:40:31 UTC 2007

I think I haven't posted about this piece yet.  If you like puzzles, read 

In a shorthand manuscript at USask in Father Le Jeune's handwriting are 
some amusing notes to himself written in a mix of Jargon, English, 
Secwepemctsin and French.  I haven't deciphered all of it, and I have a 
particularly hard time reading French in shorthand.  

So have a look and make suggestions about this snip, since these are just 
rough translations [J=Jargon, E=English, S=Secwepemctsin, F=French]:

[E]som git stok in [J]kopa styuil ilip
"Some get stuck in in [sic] prayers; even"

ayu pus kopit lahanshut ilo komtaks ikta wawa
"more, when done with confession, don't know what to say."

[E?]kod piii om di ... [F?]mil li klil [F]vinyu pur dir
"Could pay 'em the ... ?  ?  ?  come to say"

[S]ihi nohwamh [F]i di [S]katsha konkwanma hwait i ns
"  ?  ain't-it and says father pity-me, many are my"

kistinshut kihshama [J/F]labsolyusio
"sins, give-me absolution;"

[F]dis k [E?]litl [F?]pchi [S]krilmyuh
"say that little little [sic] Indians..."

--Dave R

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