Call for Papers: Images and Communities

joshua raclaw Joshua.Raclaw at COLORADO.EDU
Sun Oct 30 18:14:52 UTC 2005

i couldn't find a website, and i googled it twice.  i think the best bet would
be to email one of the abstract solicitors.


Joshua Raclaw - MA student
Department of Linguistics
University of Colorado at Boulder

Quoting Lauren Squires <squires at VIRGINIA.EDU>:

* This sounds awesome; is there a website for the conference? I don't see one
* and a quick Googling got me nothing.
* thx
* LS
* On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 22:27:50 -0600
*   joshua raclaw <Joshua.Raclaw at COLORADO.EDU> wrote:
* > communities in the media age.  papers allowed in absentia.
* >
* >
* >
* > Joshua Raclaw - MA student
* > Department of Linguistics
* > University of Colorado at Boulder
* >
* >
* >
* >
* >
* >
* > ----- Forwarded message from Adam Hodges <adam.hodges at> -----
* >    Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 19:27:21 -0600
* >    From: Adam Hodges <adam.hodges at>
* > Reply-To: adam.hodges at
* > Subject: Call for Papers:  Images and Communities
* >      To: clasp at
* >
* > I'm forwarding this CFP on behalf of a colleague in Helsinki, Matteo
* > Stocchetti.  This looks like a great conference, and a potential forum for
* > some of the work being done by CLASP affiliates.  Note that they are also
* > accepting papers "in absence" if you can't make the trip to Finland.
* >
* > -adam
* >
* > -----------------
* >
* > Images and Communities -
* > Methodological Issues and Empirical Analysis of Mediated Societies
* >
* > Panel proposal for the Conference on Media and Money – Helsinki, 3-4
* >February 2006.
* >
* > In this panel we want to provide a forum for a discussion of the
* > methodological issues involved in empirical analysis of the linkage
* >between
* > images and community.  We are not particularly interested in the image as
* >an
* > artefact, but rather in the image as a social relationship. The focus is
* >on
* > the role of mediated images and their alleged capacity to constitute
* > communities of viewers in times when the conditions of late modernity
* > undermine more conventional forms of bonding.
* >
* > The panel invites systematic reflection on methodological and conceptual
* > issues. Proposals from non mainstream and non established perspectives are
* > especially encouraged
* >
* > Topics include, but are not limited to:
* > •	Concept development and the nature of evidence
* > •	Narrative epistemology
* > •	Communities in media age
* > •	Mapping who is doing what, where and how in research
* > •	Empirical research and post modern epistemologies: mission
* > impossible?
* > •	The society of spectacle, global capitalism and information
* > communication technology
* > •	From the stone to the screen: notes for a short history in the uses
* > of public communication
* >
* > Submissions are considered for three types of presentations.
* >
* > Regular presentations – paper of 7000-8000 words, 20 minutes presentation
* > Round table presentations – position paper of 1000 words, 5-10 minutes
* > Presentation “in absence” – regular paper not exceeding 7000-8000 words
* >sent
* > for circulation among participants. Authors will receive feedback after
* >the
* > conference.
* >
* > All the accepted papers will be considered for publication.
* >
* > Abstracts should be sent to: Matteo Stocchetti at
* > matteo.stocchetti at or Johanna Sumiala-Seppänen at
* > johanna.sumiala-seppanen at
* >
* >
* > ----- End forwarded message -----
* ----
* Lauren Squires
* Linguistics Program
* University of Virginia
* ***

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