Fwd: CFP: Graduate Student Research Group
joshua raclaw
Joshua.Raclaw at COLORADO.EDU
Mon Mar 20 17:54:43 UTC 2006
For those graduate students on the list who have been interested in a
collaboration effort, this could be a wonderful opportunity.
Joshua Raclaw - PhD student
Department of Linguistics
University of Colorado at Boulder
----- Forwarded message from Ted M Coopman <coopman at u.washington.edu> -----
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 09:43:41 -0800 (PST)
From: Ted M Coopman <coopman at u.washington.edu>
Reply-To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: [Air-l] CFP: Graduate Student Research Group
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Hello All,
I am happy to announce the formation of the Association of Internet
Researchers Graduate Student Research Group (AoIR-GSRG) and a call for
The purpose of the GSRG is to recruit graduate student members of AoIR who
wish to take a more active role in the association. GSRG members would agree
to serve one year as part of a pool of volunteers from which specific Graduate
Student Research Teams (GSRT) would be drawn. GSRT participation would be on a
voluntary basis. Individual teams would be tasked with a research project that
would benefit the association and its members. The AoIR Executive Committee
would determine the projects, the scope, and the disposition of the research
performed. The rationale is that the association and its members can make
better decisions with accurate information on topics of interest. More
details on potential projects are below.
It is envisioned that any project would be distributed among team members so
that the time commitment would be on par with an average research paper or
Members wanting to serve for more than one year may be renewed at the
discretion of the Graduate Student Representative to the Executive Committee
who acts as overall project coordinator.
Teams are largely self-managing, but will be required to submit research plans
and meet specific deadlines. The Executive, through the Graduate Student
Representative, would work collaboratively with each team to ensure that
projects are successfully completed within the terms originally approved by
the Executive.
GSRG and GSRT members will be recognized by the association at the annual
conference, receive tasteful certificates (suitable for framing) and most of
all the gratitude of the Executive Committee and the association. Service for
AoIR in this way provides a significant credit to members' vitae and valuable
experience working in a multi-disciplinary, distributed research team. In many
cases, data and results will be made available to GSRT members for their own
use in publications or presentations if they so desire.
It is the hope of the Exec that the experience will help reinforce the concept
of the association as a field for action and interaction, and build strong
ties across geography, disciplines, and outside of thematic interest areas.
GSRG applicants must be a graduate student and a paid member of AoIR.
Interested graduate students should contact Ted M. Coopman, Graduate Student
Representative, at coopman at u.washington.edu.
Project Details
Please note that all protocols concerning ethical research methods and the
protection of personal data will be strictly adhered to. In the case of AoIR
member information, all identifying data will be stripped out prior to any
release to a GSRT.
Students who favor social scientific as well as humanistic approaches are
Research approaches could include both qualitative and quantitative methods or
(more likely) a combination of both. Potential projects would include
analyzing data that would give the Exec more accurate information on the
demographic make-up of AoIR membership and/or conference participants
(disciplines, affiliation, nationalities, etc.), identification of Internet
related graduate programs, and creation of annotated subject related multi-
disciplinary bibliographies to name a few. The research would result in
professional-practice publications that would be available via the AoIR
website some of which will be exclusively for AoIR members.
This initial effort is a pilot program to see if there is sufficient interest
in participation, the ability to execute association directed tasks, and the
quality/utility of results.
Ted M. Coopman
AoIR Graduate Student Representative
Department of Communication
University of Washington
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