"Developing Useful Evaluation Practices in College Foreign Language Programs" (NFLRC Summer Institute) - application deadline February 15

National Foreign Language Resource Center nflrc at HAWAII.EDU
Thu Jan 18 04:57:04 UTC 2007

Our apologies for any cross-postings . . .

The National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawaii
at Manoa is pleased to announce its 2007 Summer Institute workshop:

		"Developing Useful Evaluation Practices
		 in College Foreign Language Programs"

	      University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI

			  May 28 - June 6, 2007


This NFLRC Summer Institute is designed to help college foreign language
administrators and teachers engage in useful, practical, and effective
program evaluations to meet a variety of purposes. It takes seriously the
values, goals, and constraints that characterize college language programs
and will provide language educators with a user-oriented approach to
developing evaluations that maximize benefits for language learners and
teachers, while minimizing potential negative consequences. It will also
provide participants with tools and strategies for making program
evaluation a systematic and consistently useful component of their FL

The Institute will be run by DR. JOHN M. NORRIS (UH Dept. of Second
Language Studies), an expert in language program evaluation and
assessment.  Activities over the 9-day institute will include lectures and
demonstrations, in-depth analyses of practical evaluation examples,
invited guest speakers (language evaluation experts), social events, and
extensive hands-on development and discussion of evaluation plans,
procedures, and instruments for immediate use in the participants specific
program settings.

This workshop is intended for U.S. foreign language administrators and
teachers who are directly responsible for program evaluations in their
foreign language departments. It assumes no prior grounding in program
evaluation theory or practice, but it requires a willingness to help
increase evaluation capacity in college FL education. In order to maximize
the impact of this event across U.S. colleges, participants will be
purposefully selected to represent diverse FL program types, based on
size, languages taught, geography, and institutional status.

PARTIAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT is available to all participants in the NFLRC
Summer Institute, on a competitive and space-limited basis. Summer
Institute participants are also highly encouraged to participate in the
ADFL SUMMER SEMINAR WEST (directly following the Summer Institute in
Hawaii), where they will have opportunities to share their program
evaluation work.

For more details about the Summer Institute (including information about
affordable lodging options, fees, and more) or for the online application
form, visit our website at http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/prodev/si07d/


  N           National Foreign Language Resource Center
   F          University of Hawai'i
    L         1859 East-West Road, #106
     R        Honolulu HI 96822
      C       voice: (808) 956-9424, fax: (808) 956-5983
              email: nflrc at hawaii.edu
VISIT OUR WEBSITE!   http://www.nflrc.hawaii.edu

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