[Cogsci-interpreting] CfP for ISB Symposia on Interpreting and Cognitive Science

Laura Babcock laura.babcock at su.se
Tue May 21 07:23:45 UTC 2024

Dear all,

The next ISB will be held in Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain. After the success of having two sessions on interpreting at last year's meeting in Sydney, we'd be thrilled to capitalise on the increasing visibility of the field and show off more of the great research that is being carried out. The theme this year is "The Different Faces of Bilingualism", which once again give our field an opportunity to shine, as an example of one of these many, diverse, faces.

With that in mind, we are writing to see who is interested in presenting a paper in a one or more symposia on Interpreting and Cognitive Science. We think it's nice to keep our papers together, rather than having them mixed throughout the large program. We consider this topic broadly, so papers looking at cognitive processes, cognition, or neurobiology in any kind of interpreting (e.g., dialogue/community, conference, multimodal) are very welcome!

As with the past three conferences, we thought we could gauge interest and then divide the papers into appropriate thematic symposia. The format at ISB15 will be 120 minute blocks with a maximum of four papers, allowing time for extended discussion and interaction around a theme. Our goal with this email is to find out who is interested in presenting a paper.

Note that right now the organizers are looking for symposia, with a deadline of September 16, 2024. If you're not quite ready to commit to a conference one year from now, you can, of course, wait and submit an abstract for an individual paper, submissions open on 18th September, and we'll be glad to see you there!

That said, we would really like to submit at least one symposium on interpreting to claim our space. If you would like to be part of a symposium, this is what we would ask of you:
* First, by August 16, 2024, please let us (see the end of the email for addresses) know you are interested and give us at least a (working) title for the paper and brief description so that we know where to place it thematically.
* Second, by September 2, 2024, send the full abstract (maximum 1 page, 12 pt. font plus 1 extra page for figures and references). This will allow us enough time to finalize the submissions before the September 16 deadline.

Note that this year we can include up to 8 figures, so feel free to provide up to two figures in your submissions.

Finally, if you know of a researcher working in this area who does not receive these emails, feel free to forward this message to them and suggest that they sign up for this listserve:  https://listserv.linguistlist.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cogsci-interpreting. Also, if you are interested in serving as a section leader for one of the symposia, please let us know.

We are looking forward to hearing from you this summer and seeing you at ISB15!

Best regards,
Laura Babcock,  laura.babcock at su.se<mailto:laura.babcock at su.se>
Alexis Hervais-Adelman, Alexis.Hervais-Adelman at unige.ch<mailto:Alexis.Hervais-Adelman at unige.ch>

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