Corpora: Call for Participation

Emmanuel CARTIER tecartie at
Sun Mar 21 19:22:09 UTC 1999


Kiril Simov a écrit:

>                       Call for Participation
>                           OntoLex 2002
>              Ontologies and Lexical Knowledge Bases
>         27th May 2002, Las Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain
> Support by:
>   and
>  OntoWeb (
> Workshop motivation and aims
> The rise of the semantic web has greatly increased the interest
> in ontologies, but also added new critical requirements for them,
> such as wide coverage, interoperability and multi-linguality. In
> the perspective of the semantic web, the link between ontologies
> and natural language appears to be crucial. Indeed, there is a
> high level of correspondence between ontologies and lexical
> knowledge bases. They are subject to the same requirements, and
> there is an ever increasing potential and need for cooperation
> between the two fields.
> Following the tradition of the first OntoLex workshop (OntoLex'00
> Sozopol, Bulgaria 2000), this workshop will focus on the links
> between ontologies and lexical knowledge bases, aiming at being a
> meeting point for a number of communities that are currently not
> sufficiently connected:
> - lexical semanticists;
> - lexicographers and terminologists;
> - ontologists with computer science background;
> - ontologists with philosophical background;
> - ontology users active in various areas (knowledge management,
>  information extraction, information retrieval, machine
>  translation, conceptual modelling, eCommerce).
> The needs for greater interconnectivity among the above research
> areas have been widely recognized in the last years. Two good
> examples of an interdisciplinary approach are the use of upper
> ontologies in European projects as EuroWordNet and SIMPLE, and
> some recent work on the conceptual analysis of WordNet's
> top-level taxonomy presented at FOIS2001.
> Lexical knowledge bases are considered an important kind of
> language resources. Moreover, lexical knowledge bases and
> ontologies are starting to play a crucial role in the creation
> and usage of other language resources such as syntactic
> tree-banks and lexicons.
> The workshop will take place on the 27th of May 2002 at Las
> Palmas, Canary Islands - Spain (preceding the 3rd International
> Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC2002).
> Invited Speakers
> Yorick Wilks (Shefield University, UK)
> Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton University, USA)
> Accepted papers
> Aldo Gangemi, Nicola Guarino, Alessandro Oltramari, Stefano Borgo
> Restructuring WordNet's Top-Level: The OntoClean based approach
> Anthony R. Davis and Leslie Barrett
> Relations among Roles
> Bernardo Magnini and Manuela Speranza
> Merging Global and Specialized Linguistic Ontologies
> Dietmar R"osner and Manuela Kunze
> Exploiting sublanguage and domain characteristics in a
> bootstrapping approach to lexicon and ontology creation
> James Pustejovsky and Anna Rumshisky
> Rerendering Semantic Ontologies:
> Automatic Extensions to UMLS through Corpus Analytics
> Maarten Janssen
> EuroWordNet and Differentiae Specificae
> Melina Alexa, Bernd Kreissig, Martina Liepert, Klaus Reichenberger,
> Lothar Rostek, Karin Rautmann, Werner Scholze-Stubenrecht, Sabine Stoye
> The Duden Ontology: an integrated representation of lexical and
> ontological information
> Roberto Navigli and Paola Velardi
> Automatic Adaptation of WordNet to Domains
> Sandiway Fong
> On the Ontological Basis for Logical Metonomy:
> Telic Roles and WordNet
> Wim Peters
> Self-enriching Properties of Wordnet:
> Relationships between Word Senses
> One discussion will be organized on the following topic:
> - distinctions between lexical and ontological knowledge.
> Organizing committee
> Kiril Simov
> Linguistic Modelling Laboratory, CLPP,
> Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
> Acad. G.Bonchev St. 25A
> 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
> and
> OntoText Lab. Sirma AI Ltd
> Bulgaria
> Phone: +359 2 979 2812
> Fax: +359 2 707273
> E-mail: kivs at
> Nicola Guarino
> National Research Council
> Corso Stati Uniti, 4
> I-35127 Padova
> Italy
> Phone: +39 O49 8295751
> Fax: +39 O49 8295763
> Email: Nicola.Guarino at
> Wim Peters
> NLP group
> Department of Computer Science
> University of Sheffield
> Regent Court
> 211 Portobello Street
> Sheffield S1 4DP
> Phone: 00-44-114-2221902
> Fax: 00-44-114-2221810
> Email: w.peters at
> Program Committee
> Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
> Michael Brown (SemanticEdge, Germany)
> Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, Germany)
> Werner Ceusters (L&C, Belgium)
> Dieter Fensel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
> Aldo Gangemi (Institute of Biomedical Technologies, CNR, Italy)
> Julio Gonzalo (UNED, Madrid, Spain)
> Erhard Hinrichs (SfS, Tuebingen University, Germany)
> Atanas Kyriakov (OntoText Lab., Bulgaria)
> Alessandro Lenci (Universita' di Pisa, Italy)
> Kavi Mahesh (Knowledge Management Group, Infosys Technologies, USA)
> Sergej Nirenburg (CRL, New-Mexico State University, USA)
> Piek Vossen (Irion Technologies, Delft, The Netherlands)
> James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, USA)
> Paola Velardi ("La Sapienza", Rome, Italy)
> Ellen Voorhees (NIST, USA)
> Workshop registration
> The registration fee for the workshop is:
> If you are not attending LREC: 140 EURO
> If you are attending LREC: 90 EURO
> The fees cover the following services: a copy of the proceedings
> of the attended workshop, coffee-breaks and refreshments.
> Participation in the workshop is limited by the venue. Requests
> for participation will be processed on first come first served
> basis.
> Registration will be handled by the LREC Secretariat.
> For details see:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Kiril Simov
> BulTreeBank Project
> Linguistic Modelling Laboratory, CLPP,
> Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
> Acad. G.Bonchev St. 25A
> 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
> E-mail: kivs at
> Web:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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