Corpora: rotagraph definition

Patrick Cassidy cassidy at
Tue Apr 18 21:02:26 UTC 2000

Concerning your query to the Corpora list:

> Pieter de Haan wrote:

> Dear all,
> One of my literary colleagues has recently come across the term "rotagraph"
> in an early 20th century letter. The term was used by an author who writes
> that he has received a rotagraph of the first 50 pages of his intended book
> from Oxford University Press. Apparently te term refers to a technique or
> procedure which was new at the time. The term does not occur in the OED.
> Does anybody know the term?
> Could this term have referred to (the equivalent of) proof pages?

  In the 1913 "New Words" Supplement to the Webster's Revised Unabridged
Dictionary (Merriam Co.) the term "rotagraph does not occur, but
"rotograph" does;it may be the same thing.  The definition is reproduced
here (in tagged form):

<p><hw>Ro"to*graph</hw> <pr>(?)</pr>, <pos>n.</pos>
<def>A photograph printed by a process in which
a strip or roll of sensitized paper is automatically
fed over the negative so that a series of prints are made, and
are then developed, fixed, cut apart, and washed at a very
rapid rate.</def><br/
[<source>Webster 1913 Suppl.</source>]</p>

    However, neither "rotagraph" nor "rotograph" occur in the 1906
Century dictionary.   The dictionary files in which the
above definition is found are available at:


Patrick Cassidy

MICRA, Inc.                      || (908) 561-3416
735 Belvidere Ave.               || (908) 668-5252 (if no answer)
Plainfield, NJ 07062-2054        || (908) 668-5904 (fax)

internet:   cassidy at

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