Corpora: Sublanguage article

Chris Allen chris.allen at
Sun Aug 6 13:13:36 UTC 2000

Dear Corpora subscribers

I wonder if anyone out there could help me to track down an article on
sublanguages. The reference is:

McNaught, J. (1992) Introduction to sublanguage: A tutorial in
Thompson, H. (ed). (1992) Record of the Workshop on Sublanguage Grammar and
Lexicon Acquisition for Speech and Natural Language Processing, 7-8 January
1992 Edinburgh

Please send any replies to me directly rather than cluttering up holiday
mailboxes even further!

Many thanks in advance,

Chris Allen

Chris Allen

Halmstad University 		CELS
Sweden				University of Birmingham UK

Hagtornsvagen 6A
302 56 Halmstad
Tel: +46  35 10 12 96(home)
       +46 35 16 73 72 (work)


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