Corpora: recommendation for tagger software

E S Atwell eric at
Wed Aug 9 16:23:39 UTC 2000


re your query to CORPORA

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Joel Kuipers wrote:
> Hi -I would like some recommendations for tagger software. I have some
> transcriptions of psychiatric interviews in colloquial English and I
> would like to find a program that can scan the texts and sort them into
> parts of speech so I can do further analysis on them.
> Any suggestions?
> Please respond to:
> kuipers at
> Joel Kuipers
> Department of Anthropology
> George Washington University
> Washington DC 20052

We are currently surveying past user of amalgam-tagger at,
our free part-of-speech tagging service - email an English text, it
replies with text one-word-per-line plus part-of-speech tag according to
your grammar markup scheme from Brown/ICE/LLC/LOB/parts/POW/SEC/UPenn, see

None of the survey replies so far have mentioned use for psychiatric
interviews, but I see no reason why amalgam-tagger shouldnt work forthese!

Jenny Thomas and Andrew Wilson have tried using more somphisticated
semantic analysis (ACAMRIT) on top of Part-of-Speech tagging; see
 - specifically:

Jenny Thomas and Andrew Wilson. 1996. Methodologies for studying a corpus
of doctor-patient interaction. In J. Thomas and M. Short (eds) Using
corpora for language research. Longman, London, pp 92-109.

Jon Patrick of University of Sydney has also worked on NLP analysis of
patient interviews, see

Hope this helps; I'd be interested to learn more about your work.

Eric Atwell

Eric Atwell, Distributed Multimedia Systems MSc Tutor & SOCRATES Tutor
School of Computer Studies, University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT
TEL: (44)113-2335430  FAX: (44)113-2335468
WWW:  EMAIL: eric at

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