Corpora: Legal corpus?

Frances Rock rockfe.eng.arts.bham at
Sat Aug 26 10:15:26 UTC 2000


I posted an enquiry like this on the list some time ago because we
had hoped to get a grant to build a legal corpus at Birmingham and
wanted to see what else was out there.

At the time, I posted quite a detailed summary onto the list which
should be available in an archives somewhere (it was at the end of
1998 or beginning of 1999).  I also sent the query to the 'Forensic
Linguistics' mailing list (forensic-linguistics at and
the query and a summary are also in their archives.  If you can't
find the summaries just let me know and I'll try to send you one
from here, but at the moment I'm not able to lay my hand on it.

The bid to build a legal corpus at Birmingham was being
coordinated by Sue Blackwell (S.A.Blackwell at
and she might be happy to tell you about what she'd planned for
the corpus we'd hoped for.

The following query was posted on the corpora list around 6
months ago so you might like to contact this person:
From:           	"Roberta Facchinetti"
<faro at>
Organization:   	Universita' di Verona
To:             	corpora at
Date sent:      	Wed, 26 Jan 2000 14:58:15 GMT+1
Subject:        	Corpora: legal language database
Send reply to:  	faro at

Dear All,

I am looking for any computerised monolingual or multilingual
database of LEGAL LANGUAGE  available on floppy disk, cd-rom
or accessible via the net.
I would appreciate your help quite a lot!

Roberta Facchinetti

The following query was also posted very recently, so this might be
another useful contact for you:

From:           	"Peggy Liu Saijun" <artp9359 at>
To:             	"Corpora" <corpora at>
Subject:        	Corpora: Legal Corpus
Date sent:      	Sat, 29 Jul 2000 18:26:34 +0800

Dear all corpus experts on the list,

I am new to this list and to corpus studies. Does anybody know if
there is a corpus of legal texts freely available on the internet?

Thank you in advance.


My e-mail address: artp9359 at

I will be very pleased to send a summary of the responses I had if
you are not able to find it in the list archives.  It might be worth
posting your query on the forensic linguistics list too, I think a
corpus has recently been built in Germany....

Good luck!


Frances Rock
Research Field: Forensic Linguistics
English Department
The University of Birmingham
Edgbaston   Birmingham   B15 2TT
0121 456 3129     F.E.Rock at

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