Corpora: LACL 2000 : Second Call for Papers
Catherine Piliere
Catherine.Piliere at
Tue Dec 5 08:17:22 UTC 2000
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Second Call for Papers
LACL 2001
4th International Conference on
June 27 -- 29, 2001
Le Croisic, France
Submission Deadline: January 29, 2001
---------------------------- HISTORY ----------------------------
The LACL series of conferences aims at providing a forum for the
presentation and discussion of current research in all the formal
and logical aspects of computational linguistics. It started as a
workshop held in Nancy (France), in 1995. Due to its success, it
was turned, the next year, into a international conference.
LACL'96 and '97 have both been held in Nancy (France). LACL'98 has
been held in Grenoble (France). Selected papers from LACL'95 appear
in a special issue of Journal of Logic Language and Information,
7(4), 1998. The proceedings of LACL'96 and 97 appear as volumes
1328 and 1582 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. The
proceedings of LACL'98 are in press with the same series.
----------------------------- SCOPE -----------------------------
Typical topics include, but are not limited to:
Categorial grammars, Categorial type logics, Compositionality,
Discourse representation theory, Dynamics, Feature Logics,
Formal language theory, Game-theoretical semantics, Grammatical
inference, Learning theory, Linear logical frameworks, Minimalism,
Modal logics, Montague semantics, Parsing as deduction, Proof-
theoretic approaches, Situation semantics and situation theory,
Type-theoretic approaches.
----------------------- SUBMISSION GUIDELINES --------------------
Authors are invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 15 standard
A4 or US quarto pages. The paper should allow the Programme
Committee to assess the merits of the work. In particular,
references and comparisons with related work should be included.
Submission of material already published or submitted to other
conferences with published proceedings is not allowed.
Electronic submission is highly recommended. A postscript version
of the paper should be sent as an e-mail to:
morrill at
to arrive by January 29, 2001.
Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX2e and the Springer
llncs class file <>
In addition, a separate e-mail containing the title of the paper,
authors' names and addresses, and a short abstract in plain ASCII
format should be sent to the same e-mail address.
If electronic submission is not possible, authors may submit four
hard copies of the paper by post to the following address:
LACL 2001 (Attention: G. Morrill)
UPC, Departament de LSI
Campus Nord - Modul C6
Jordi Girona Salgado, 1-3
E-08034 Barcelona - Espanya
------------------------------ URL -----------------------------
------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES ----------------------
Deadline for Submissions: January 29, 2001
Notification to Authors: March 26, 2001
Final Versions due: April 20, 2001
---------------------- CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ------------------
The accepted papers will be published as a volume of Springer
Lecture Notes in AI. This will be available at the time of the
------------------------- PROGRAM COMMITTEE --------------------
W. Buszkowski (Poznan)
R. Crouch, (Palo Alto)
A. Dikovsky (Nantes)
M. Dymetman (Grenoble)
C. Gardent (Saarbrucken)
P. de Groote (Nancy), co-chair
M. Kanazawa (Tokyo)
G. Morrill (Barcelona), co-chair
R. Muskens (Tilburg)
F. Pfenning (Pittsburgh)
B. Rounds, (Ann Arbor)
E. Stabler (Los Angeles)
----------------------- ORGANIZING COMMITTEE -------------------
B. Daille (Nantes)
A. Dikovsky (Nantes)
A. Foret (Rennes)
E. Lebret (Rennes)
C. Piliere (Nancy), publicity chair
C. Retore (Rennes), chair
P. Sebillot (Rennes)
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