Corpora: ACL-2001 Final Call for Workshop Proposals

Priscilla Rasmussen rasmusse at
Wed Dec 13 21:08:09 UTC 2000

          Final Call For ACL-2001 Workshop Proposals

Workshop Chair: Rebecca Bruce (Univ. of North Carolina at Asheville)

The ACL/EACL'01 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops
to be held at ACL/EACL'01.  ACL/EACL'01 will be held in Toulouse,
France, July 6-11, 2001 with workshops being held July 6-7, 2001.

ACL/EACL'01 workshops provide organizers and participants with an
opportunity to focus intensively on a specific topic within
computational linguistics.  Often, workshops concentrate on specific
topics of technical interest (e.g., parsing technologies), particular
areas of application for language processing technologies (e.g., NLP
applied to IR), or community-wide issues that deserve attention (e.g.,
standardization of resources and tools).  We welcome proposals on any
topic that is of interest to the ACL community, but we particularly
encourage proposals that broaden the scope of our community through
the consideration of new techniques or applications.


Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate
the quality and importance of the topic, and the size of the
interested community.  Proposals should be 2-4 pages and contain the
following information:

  - A title and brief description of the workshop topic.

  - A budget proposal.

  - The target audience and projected number of participants along
    with support for the projected count.  Supporting evidence could
    include a list of potential submitters, a list of conferences that
    contained papers on the proposed topic, the number of new
    companies focused on this topic, or recent funding initiatives
    that address this topic.

  - Resource needs such as room size and number of days.  Include any
    special requirements for technical support (computer
    infrastructure, etc.).

  - The name, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, and
    webpage of each chair.  In addition, indicate the chairs'
    background in the workshop area.

Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII text,
as soon as possible but no later than JANUARY 12, 2001.

    The subject line should be:

    Please e-mail proposals and any inquiries to:

    aclworkshops at

Timetable of Important Dates:

     Proposals due:                              Jan. 12, 2001
     Notification of acceptance:                 Jan. 19, 2001
     Deadline for receipt of workshop call for
        papers and other publicity material:     Feb. 19, 2001
     Suggested deadline for workshop paper
        submissions:                             April 6, 2001
     Suggested deadline for notification of
        workshop paper acceptance:               April 27, 2001
     Suggested deadline for camera-ready
        workshop papers:   			 May 16, 2001
     Deadline for receipt of camera-ready
        workshop proceedings:                    May 25, 2001
     Workshop Date:                              July 6-7, 2001

Additional Information

     For additional information, see the web site for the conference:

     which will provide additional details as they become available.

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