Corpora: TWC: Courses 2000

John Sinclair jms at
Wed Feb 2 16:20:59 UTC 2000

		TWC    The Tuscan Word Centre    TWC              		

			   	    Courses 2000

Apply now for a place on one of the short intensive courses listed below.

The Tuscan Word Centre exists to promote the scientific study of language,
and these courses are among its principal activities. The Centre is
situated in rural Tuscany, but not far from Florence, Pisa and Lucca.

Resident Staff: Prof Elena Tognini Bonelli, University of Lecce
		Prof John Sinclair, University of Birmingham

April 25th-30th:  How to use corpora in language work
Visiting Expert:  Prof. Stig Johansson, University of Oslo
EC Scholarships available for young European research workers - see website
for details

May 2nd-7th:      How to use corpora in language work (special emphasis on
multilingual resources)
Visiting Expert:  Prof. Stig Johansson, University of Oslo

June 19th- 24th : How to Use Corpora in Literary Text Analysis.
Visiting Experts: Mr Bill Louw, University of Zimbabwe
		  Dr Fiona Tweedie, University of Glasgow
EC Scholarships available for young European research workers - see website
for details

October 9th-14th: How to Use Text Corpora in Lexicography
Visiting Experts: Mr Patrick Hanks, Oxford University Press
		  Dr Thierry Fontenelle, Luxembourg
EC Scholarships available for young European research workers - see website
for details

Apply early to avoid disappointment. Only twenty places on each course
Apply early to avoid disappointment. Only twenty places on each course. for details
queries mailto:info at

I will try to acknowledge queries and applications within a day or two; if
you do not get a response please alert me at jms at……John Sinclair

John Sinclair


The Tuscan Word Centre	Vellano 409	51010 Pescia (PT)	Italia

Telephone: +39 0572 409251	Fax:	   409253	     Office:	   409900


+39 0832 631319 (phone and fax) or +39 0832 261542

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