Corpora: HMM Tagging Papers...

Fabio Tamburini tamburin at
Wed Feb 9 08:46:30 UTC 2000

I am looking for two papers on HMM Tagging of corpora, but I cannot find
any source of these documents in my city...

Cutting, Kupiec, Pedersen, Sibun (1992)
'A practical part-of-speech tagger'
3rd Conf. Applied Natural Lang. Process., ACL, pp-133-140.

Kupiec (1992)
'Robust part-of-speech tagging using hidden Markov model',
Comp. Speech Lang., 6, 255-242.

Does anyone have an electronic copy to send?
Is there a repository of corpora related papers on the net?


Fabio Tamburini
CILTA - University of Bologna - Italy
e-mail: tamburin at

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