Corpora: minimum size of corpu?

Ute Römer ute.roemer at
Wed Feb 9 21:28:47 UTC 2000

Hi Elaine,

to answer your question: there is no such thing as a minimum size of a
corpus. I would even say that a collection of three poems can already be a
called "corpus". But the problem is that your results are only as good as
your corpus, i. e. bigger corpora are usually more representative than
smaller ones. Nevertheless I think you should try to do an analysis of your
276 verses!

Ute Römer

>What is the minimum size for a corpus?  I just started Biblical Aramaic,
>which is only 10 chapters, 276 verses.  Is that large enough to do
>meaningful corpus work on?  How much more material would I need, if it's
>not big enough?
>Elaine Keown

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