Corpora: ELT teaching materials

Antoine Consigny anconsig at
Wed Feb 23 13:47:01 UTC 2000


I suggest you start by looking at Tim Johns' website in
Birmingham, he has lots of info on that and links as well
for what's not on it. I think there's a bibliography on
CALL too, but I'm not absolutely sure. The address is:

Hope this helps,



On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 13:09:54 -0000 Young David
<9821163 at> wrote:

> Hello...this is a request for information!
>  I would really like to find out more about how corpus linguistics is being
> used in the development of language teaching materials. Any information on
> the subject or websites that
> could put me in that general direction would be greatly appreciated.
> 		Yours sincerely,	David Young.

Antoine Consigny
anconsig at

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