Corpora: CFP: Embedded MT Systems Workshop, at NAACL/ANLP2000

Clare R. Voss voss at
Wed Jan 5 14:57:20 UTC 2000

******************  CALL FOR PAPERS  ***************************

                        WORKSHOP II
          held in conjunction with NAACL/ANLP2000

                  Thursday, May 4, 2000
                 Seattle, Washington, USA

         Embedded MT Systems homepage for this workshop


An "embedded MT system" is a computational system with one
or more MT engines among its components.  These systems
accept multilingual, multimodal inputs and create various outputs
that enable the users to access the original information in their
own language.  An MT component embedded in an end-to-end system
allows users to perform their specific tasks on foreign language
input that they previously only had been able to perform in
their native language. To date, these tasks have included
summarization, content extraction, filtering and document


The first workshop on Embedded MT Systems was held in conjunction
with the biennial meeting of the Association for Machine Translation
in the Americas (AMTA), in October, 1998, in Langhorne, PA.  The
Embedded MT Systems Workshop II is a response to the growing
community commitment to translingual information research,
e.g., the DARPA TIDES initiative.  By holding the workshop at
the combined NAACL and ANLP conferences this year, there will be
an opportunity for a multi-disciplinary mix of researchers and
developers to attend, contribute and benefit from the


As the strengths and weaknesses of machine translation engines
have become better understood and accepted, there has been a marked
increase in the development of a range of computer systems containing
an MT component. This workshop will focus on the system designs, the
associated information access tasks of such end-to-end systems,
and the measures of system effectiveness.

Of particular interest are systems that accept one or another of
various types of input including hard-copy pages, online text
files, and speech (natural or transcribed).  These inputs
present real-world, noisy data that challenge MT engine capabilities.
We would like to know the degradation in performance that
these challenges present and the compensation strategies that
system developers have tested or used.  We also seek
submissions describing possible channel-specific feedback
processes from other system components that help correct the
noisy input.

Papers describing multiple MT engines and algorithms for selecting
among their outputs are encouraged.  It would be interesting
to hear how these complex MT components have been integrated into
specific applications.  For example, do certain MT engines produce
results better suited for summarization, retrieval, or online
foreign language tutoring?

The field of MT evaluation currently lacks an adequate methodology.
There are no widely used standards and few statisticians have been
called upon to assess the metrics that have been proposed. We will
look for submissions that include measures for the individual system
components and end-to-end system evaluation.  Also of interest are
measures that evaluate user performance on specific tasks.

We expect that the range of papers from both the first and this
second workshop will provide sufficient material for us to pursue
a special journal issue dedicated to Embedded MT Systems.


Intent to submit: Friday, Feb. 11, 2000
Paper submission deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2000
Notification of acceptance of papers: Friday, March 3, 2000
Camera-ready papers due: Monday, March 13, 2000


Electronic submission of Intent to Submit should have the
following subject line:
   "NAACL-ANLP2000 WORKSHOP - Intent to submit"
Body of message should include Identification Page information:
   - title of submission
   - names of all authors
   - primary author name and email address, phone and fax
   - presentation type preference
       (select one or more per system: demo, poster, or paper)
   - keywords

Authors may submit short papers, full-length papers, poster
presentations and/or demos.

For electronic submission, include the Identification
Page Information (see above) as a separate page from the paper
itself. Reviewing will be blind. No author information should be
included with the main body of the paper.  Full paper submissions
may be up to 5000 words in length, including references.
Submissions for poster presentations and short papers may be up
to 2000 words in length, including references.

Demo presentations are encouraged in conjunction with papers
or posters.  For demo-only presentations, submissions up to
two pages long should describe the system design and
capabilities with respect to (ii) above:
an end-to-end process flow covering the system
input, any pre-MT processing, the MT component itself, any
post-MT processing, and the system output.


Submissions must use the ACL latex style or Microsoft Word style.
Both are available from the ANLP-NAACL2000 Conference web page:

Please send submissions and questions to: voss at
Notification of receipt will be sent to the primary author.


Carol Van Ess-Dykema, US Dept. of Defense
Clare R. Voss, US Army Research Lab
Florence Reeder, MITRE Corp.


Gary Coen, Boeing Phantom Works
Bob Frederking, LTI, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Laurie Gerber, SYSTRAN
Inge Gorm Hansen and Henrik Selsoe Sorenson, Copenhagen Business School
Lori Levin, LTI, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Bill Ogden, CRL, NMSU
Kathi Taylor, Georgetown U.

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