Corpora: What is a corpus

Sabine Bartsch, FB02 SprachLit bartsch at HRZ1.HRZ.TU-Darmstadt.De
Fri Jan 28 11:06:09 UTC 2000

Would Oliver agree that 'filtered' in his definition of a
corpus is (near)synonymous with 'analysed'? Every process of
extracting specific material from a corpus and thereby separating it
out from its original context is ultimately the first step in an
analysis. By recognising certain instances / structures in the corpus
as potential examples of a particular phenomenon we are already in
the process of analysing the data.

We need - I agree here with Lou Burnard - a definition of corpora in
relation to  the entities they are comprised of. (esp. also  with
regard to multi-media corpora beginning to crop up).


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