Corpora: ACL'2000 EMNLP/VLC Workshop Final Call for Papers

Priscilla Rasmussen rasmusse at
Tue Jun 27 20:56:16 UTC 2000

                           FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

                             VERY LARGE CORPORA

   Sponsored by SIGDAT (ACL's Special Interest Group for Linguistic Data
                    and Corpus-based Approaches to NLP)

                             October 7-8, 2000
               Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

                            In conjunction with
                  ACL-2000: The 38th Annual Meeting of the
                 Association for Computational Linguistics

   This conference aims to bring together academic researchers and
   industrial practitioners to discuss empirical and corpus-based natural
   language processing through technical paper sessions, invited talks,
   and panel discussions. Topics of interest include (but are not
   limited to):

     * statistical parsing
     * language and dialog models
     * machine translation
     * information retrieval
     * information extraction
     * comparative evaluation of empirical vs. rule- and knowledge-based
     * lexical acquisition
     * statistical language understanding
     * phrase identification
     * noun phrase coreference
     * question answering
     * word sense disambiguation
     * word and term segmentation and extraction
     * alignment
     * bilingual lexicon extraction
     * text categorization

   This year, we are especially interested in papers discussing these
   topics in the context of web-oriented applications.



   Submissions are limited to original, unpublished and empirically
   evaluated work. Reviewing of papers will be blind. Electronic
   submissions are required; author instructions, stylesheets and
   a web-based submissions interface may be found at Submitted papers should conform to
   the colacl.sty style file (or the provided MSWord equivalent) for final
   2-column format, with the exception that name, affiliation and address
   should be replaced with 'XXX'. Full paper-length submissions are
   strongly encouraged, and should not exceed 9 pages in specified format.
   Submissions must be received on or before June 30, 2000.


   Important Dates:
   June 30              Submission of full-length paper
   July 28              Acceptance notice
   August 29            Camera-ready paper due
   October 7-8          Conference date


   Program Committee

   Chair:    Hinrich Schuetze, GroupFire (hinrich at
   Co-Chair: Keh-Yih Su, Behavior Design Corp. (kysu at

   Einat Amitay, Macquarie Univ. & CSIRO
   Sophia Ananiadou, Univ. of Salford
   Susan Armstrong, Univ. of Geneva
   Thorsten Brants, Saarland Univ.
   Eric Brill, Microsoft Research
   Jason Chang, National Tsing Hua Univ.
   Rim-Hae Chang, Korea Univ.
   Key-Sun Choi, Korea Adv. Inst. of Science & Technology
   David Elworthy, Microsoft Research Cambridge
   Tomaz Erjavec, Institute Jozef Stefan
   Pascale Fung, Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology
   Eric Gaussier, Xerox Research Centre Europe
   Niyu Ge, Brown University
   Nancy Ide, Vassar College
   Martin Jansche, Ohio State Univ.
   Andy Kehler, UC San Diego
   Geunbae Lee, Pohang Univ. of Science & Technology
   Lillian Lee, Cornell Univ.
   Dekang Lin, Univ. of Alberta
   Kim-Teng Lua, National Univ. of Singapore
   Chris Manning, Stanford Univ.
   Yuji Matsumoto, Nara Inst. of Science & Technology
   Helen Meng, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
   Masaaki Nagata, NTT Cyber Space Labs
   Dragomir Radev, Univ. of Michigan
   Maosong Sun, Tsinghua Univ.
   Bing Swen, Peking Univ.
   Mark Wasson, Lexis-Nexis
   Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield
   Dekai Wu, Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology
   Jakub Zavrel, University of Antwerp

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