Corpora: Does anyone know of a parser for French?

Jean Veronis Jean.Veronis at
Tue Mar 14 07:25:39 UTC 2000

At 15:56 14/03/00 +1100, Christian Coseru wrote on the CORPORA list:

>I'm looking for a parser for French text, to be used in a corpus-based
>computational-linguistics project.  Any kind of syntactic analysis,
>whether it's traditional (transformational grammar), Xbar-based, or
>some other kind would be useful.  The parser will be
>used for research purposes only.  Any pointers or suggestions would be
>greatly appreciated.  Please respond directly to me, and I will post a
>summary if there's interest.

In my view the best technology at the moment in terms of coverage and
robustness is that of "Cordial Universités", which in addition is quite
affordable in terms of prices. You can have more information from
"Dominique LAURENT" <dlaurent at>.

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