Corpora: German corpus

SJ Stauffer stauffes at
Wed Mar 29 15:47:44 UTC 2000


A study of language acquisition across 8 languages, including German, was
conducted by Georgetown's "foreign language initiatives in research and
teaching" (GU-FLIRT).

These data are being made available online.  For a description of the
study, please consult <>.

So far, Spanish and ESL learner data are online. French learner data and
English native speaker baseline data will be uploaded shortly.  These data
are accessible at this address: <>, though
the interface is still under development.

You might contact the graduate assistant, at <flirt at>
to inquire about accessibility of the German data before its official

--Stephanie Stauffer
  Manager, GU-FLIRT online data project
  <mailto:stauffes at>

>I am doing research on second language acquisation. Could someone tell me
>if there is an adequat German corpus available somewhere. Most corpora seem
>to be English!
>I would be very grateful for help. Thanks!
>Best regards
>Christina Rosén
>Växjö university
>Christina Rosén
>Inst. för humaniora
>Växjö universitet
>351 95 Växjö
>Phone  +46 470 70 88 55
>Fax    +46 470 75 18 88
>Phone/Fax +46 470 124 27 (home)

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