Corpora: Html Concordancing?

Maritza vd Heuvel MVDH at AKAD.SUN.AC.ZA
Tue May 9 10:46:32 UTC 2000


Let me start off by introducing myself. I'm a postgrad researcher
working on a lexicon for the speech recogntion component of a
spoken dialogue system. The electronic material available for use
in corpora and for concordancing purposes is very limited and one
of our options is using web sites containing relevant information to
generate word lists. Does anyone know of a concordancing tool
that allows concordancing of files that contain html tags without
first requiring conversion of the html into a text format?

Maritza van den Heuvel


Maritza van den Heuvel
Research Unit for Experimental Phonology (RUEPUS)
University of Stellenbosch

Tel: 021-808 3974
Fax: 021-808 3975

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