Corpora: French software for linguistic analysis

Keith J. Miller keith at
Wed May 17 16:15:16 UTC 2000

I agree with Jean re: Cordial 6 Universités.  In fact, he responded to a
similar query of mine when I was looking for tools to process French about
nine months ago.  I have since purchased C6U, and have used it to process a
LARGE amount of French text.  In addition to providing more than just
lemmatization and POS tagging (in fact, it stops just short of providing a
parse), it does so very quickly, and has several unexpected additional
surprise benefits.  I did meet some initial resistance when reporting a bug
to the support/development team, but in the end, they were very responsive,
and besides simply fixing the bug, they even added several features that I
mentioned might be useful (such as the ability to start the processing of an
entire directory of files with one click in the GUI, rather than having to
process the files one by one).

In short, I can add to the recommendation of Cordial 6 Universités.

							-----  Keith J. Miller
							keith at
							millerk at

>At 09:42 17/05/2000 +0200, Tine Greidanus wrote:
>>I need software to make a linguistic analysis of a corpus of French
>>texts (lemmatization, etc.). Does anybody have experience with Cordial 6
>>Universités, of Hyperbase, or both of them? Or do you recommend another
>Yes, I have experience with both of them.
>Hyperbase does not do grammatical tagging/lemmatization. It is mainly a
>concordancer, with lexical statistics functions.
>Cordial 6 universités is by far the best publicly available
>tagger/lemmatizer for French. I use it myself extensively for large
>projects, and the results are amazingly good.
>Jean Véronis

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