Corpora: 2nd CFP: ACM SIGIR 2000 Workshop on XML and Information Retrieval

carmel at carmel at
Thu May 25 10:07:39 UTC 2000

                        ACM SIGIR 2000 Workshop On
                       XML and Information Retrieval
                       Athens, Greece, July 28, 2000
                     Call for Papers and Participation

 XML - the eXtensible Markup Language has recently emerged as a new
standard for data representation and exchange
on the Internet. It has thus become crucial to address the question of how
can we efficiently query and search large corpora
 of XML documents. To date,  most work on storing, indexing, querying, and
searching documents in XML has
stemmed from the database community's work on semi-structured data. An
alternative approach, which has
received less attention to date, is to view XML documents as a collection
of text documents with additional tags
and relations between these tags. In this workshop, we will explore both
approaches and investigate the relationship
between IR and XML. Topics may include:

   Extending IR technologies to search XML documents and integrating XML
   structure in IR indexing structures
   Querying XML documents both on content and structure
   Leveraging the semantics inherent to XML for the search process
   Relationships between XML and other text encoding and metadata standards

   Definition of standard DTDs/Schemas for IR tools such as search results
   and clustering outputs

The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners
 interested in XML and IR to discuss
and define the most relevant topics in the relation between these two
technologies, present recent results,
propose future directions for research, and possibly standardization.
Activities will include invited talks,
presentation sessions (accepted submissions from candidate participants)
demo sessions on XML tools
(e.g., search engines, editors,  schema definition tools), and panel

Organizing Committee
IBM Research in Haifa:
     David Carmel carmel at
     Yoelle Maarek yoelle at
     Aya Soffer ayas at
Program Committee
     Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Universidad de Chile, Chile
     Norbert Fuhr, Dortmund University, Germany
     Ron Sacks-Davis, RMIT, Australia
     Ross Wilkinson, CSIRO, Division of Mathematical and Information
Science, Australia

Further information
Information on the workshop venue and local arrangements (hotel reservation
 etc.) as well as the sponsoring conference
can be found at Additional information is also
available at
Questions can be sent directly to any of the organizers above.

Submission Information:
Send by email to David Carmel-  email: carmel at
For presentation: Short vita and position paper along with the intended
track (tutorial, research, demo, standards).
Length: no more than 2000 words  (HTML, Postscript, or PDF).
For participation only: Statement of interest, (no more than 500 words).

Important Dates:
Submissions: June 5, 00
Notification:  June 19, 00
Final Version: July 3, 00
SIGIR tech. program: July 24-27, 00
XML-IR Workshop: July 28, 00


David Carmel, PhD
Information Retrieval and Organization, IBM - HRL
E-mail: carmel at
Phone: 972-4-8296223, Fax: 972-4-8296114
Address: IBM, Haifa Research Lab, Matam, Haifa 31905, Israel

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