Corpora: CFP: Special Issue on Hybrid Logics

Carlos Areces carlos at
Fri Sep 8 17:02:47 UTC 2000


Appologies for multiple copies


                          Call for Papers

                  Journal of Logic and Computation

                   Special Issue on Hybrid Logics


HyLo 2000, the Second Workshop on Hybrid Logics, was organized in
Birmingham, Great Britain, on August 14-18, 2000.  Given the interest
the workshop gave rise to, a special issue of the Journal of Logic and
Computation will be devoted to Hybrid Logics.  Contributions are not
limited to those presented at HyLo 2000, and we are now inviting
submissions from all interested authors.


Hybrid Logics are modal languages which use "terms as
formulas". Although they date back to the late 1960s, the last three
years have seen a resurgence of interest, with new results in
expressivity, interpolation, complexity, and proof techniques. It has
also become clear that hybrid logics offer a theoretical framework for
uniting the work of a surprisingly diverse range of research
traditions in modal-like logics, including description logic, feature
logic, modal logics for information systems, temporal logic, and that
they offer a novel perspective on labeled deduction.  For further
information on hybrid logics, see the Hybrid Logic Webpage:

For the special issue, we are interested in attracting both
theoretical papers exploring and developing hybrid logic, and papers
which demonstrate the applicability of hybrid logic.  Papers which
link hybrid logic with other research traditions (e.g. description
logic or labeled deduction) are strongly encouraged.


All submissions will be subject to the usual refereeing procedure of
the Journal of Logic and Computation. Contributions must be original,
and must not have been submitted to, or published in, other journals.

Submissions should be sent by email in Postscript format to

    carlos at,

accompanied by a plain text abstract.  Authors are strongly encouraged
to use LaTeX to format their papers and use the Journal of Logic and
Computation style file which is available, together with proper
instructions on how to use it, at the Hybrid Logic site:

Papers should not exceed 25 pages in lengh, in the above mentioned

Important Dates

    December 15, 2000      Paper submissions
    February 15, 2001      Acceptance notification
    March 30,    2001      Final submissions due

Related Links
=============             Hybrid Logic Site (including background
                         information on the topic and an extensive
                         bibliography).        Hylo 2000 home page.   Journal of Logic and Computation (Oxford University

Guest Editors (Organizers of Hylo 2000)

Carlos Areces                     Patrick Blackburn
ILLC, University of Amsterdam,    Computerlinguistik, University of Saarland,
The Netherlands                   Germany    
carlos at                patrick at

Carlos Eduardo Areces
ILLC, University of Amsterdam

Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
phone : +31 20 525-6925
e-mail: carlos at
www   :
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