Corpora: SBCSAE Thank you!!!

Ute Römer ute.roemer at
Wed Sep 13 18:32:13 UTC 2000

Hi all!

We would like the following people for answering our query on the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English: 
Lou Burnard
Christopher Cieri
Arne Fitschen
Chris Manning
Hugh Nicoll
Lex Olorenshaw
Norbert Schlüter.

With some of the list members' help we managed to install the corpus and we are now able to search the transcript files using WordSmith Tools. 

It seems as if the speech files and the transcript files are not in any way aligned. Nevertheless it is possible to identify the concordance lines by their corresponding time count which you can find in the trn. files in front of each utterance. 

Thank you very much for your help!
Best wishes,
Ute Römer & Sybil Scholz

ute.roemer at
sybil.scholz at 
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