Corpora: spoken/multimodal dialogue jobs at FTW Vienna

Gregor Erbach erbach at
Fri Sep 15 09:49:53 UTC 2000

Researcher and Postdoc Positions
Project B2 "speech & more"

The ftw. (Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien, Telecommunications
Research Center Vienna) is a cooperative research center involving
3 institutes of the Vienna University of Technology, 14
companies, and the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf. More
can be found at

Task Description

Conduct advanced research and development in the area of spoken and
dialog systems, including combining speech dialog with mobile multimedia
applications (UMTS), pronunciation modeling, and noise cancellation. The
positions provide the opportunity to work together with leading
companies in the
fields of telecommunications and speech technology. The positions will
available between now and the beginning of next year.

Required Qualifications

* Experience in speech recognition, speech dialog or multimodal dialog
* Masters or doctorate degree in one of the relevant disciplines (i.e.,
  science, communications, phonetics or computational linguistics)
* Good knowledge of English (written and spoken), communication skills

Additional Qualifications

A candidate with one or more of the following qualifications would be

* Knowledge of internet protocols, XML, VoiceXML
* Java / C++ experience
* Experience in usability engineering and usability testing
* Experience with spoken language corpora
* Software engineering and project management skills
* Experience working in collaborative industry/academia projects
* Knowledge of German

Applications and inquiries should be directed to

Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien
Dr. Markus Kommenda (Managing Director), kommenda at
or Dr. Gregor Erbach (Project Manager), erbach at

Dr. Gregor Erbach                               gregor.erbach at
Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien FTW   Tel. +43/699-10389005
(Vienna Telecommunications Research Centre)    Fax: +43/1/5052830-99
Maderstrasse 1/9, A-1040 Wien, Austria

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