Corpora: german word frequency list

James L. Fidelholtz jfidel at
Tue Apr 3 21:56:57 UTC 2001

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Wiesheu, Martin wrote:

>i am looking for a word frequency list of standard german for language
>teaching purposes. actually, the most important 1000 words would do. 
Dear Martin:
	There is a very old book by Helen Eaton, first published I
believe in the 1930s and republished about in the 1960s by Dover, and I
believe still in print (I don't remember the title at the moment, and
I'm not at home to be able to look it up), with lists of at least the
top 1000 words in 5 important European languages, at least including
English, Spanish, German and French, and I believe Italian is the other
one.  Usually, the most frequent words (which these are) are what you
would consider the most 'important' ones as well.  Furthermore, despite
the relative antiquity of these lists, they should not have changed much
in the interim.

James L. Fidelholtz			e-mail: jfidel at
Posgrado en Ciencias del Lenguaje	tel.: +(52-2)229-5500 x5705
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades	fax: +(01-2) 229-5681
Benemιrita Universidad Autσnoma de Puebla, MΙXICO

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