Corpora: sloppiness in e-mails

Gregory Aist aist+ at
Tue Apr 10 14:42:33 UTC 2001

Message length matters for email -- perhaps as much as clarity. I
learned at Microsoft to put the most salient information in the top 3
lines. Why? Outlook shows the first three lines underneath the subject,
when browsing.

Busy people may not actually open the message! - Greg Aist

(intern at Microsoft Research, January - February 1998.)

Greg Aist, aist at   Postdoctoral Fellow, Robotics, Carnegie Mellon
Project LISTEN: kids read, computer listens.
Postal:  Robotics Institute / 5000 Forbes Ave. / Pittsburgh PA 15213-3720 USA
Office: 4215 Newell-Simon Hall   Fax: 412 268 6436  Voice: 412 268 5726

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