Corpora: Evolutionary Web Development [new book]

Arno Scharl scharl at
Sun Aug 26 22:42:22 UTC 2001

Dear colleagues,

Complementing the recently published book "Evolutionary Web Development"
(ISBN 1-85233-310-3), Springer London agreed to freely distribute a number
of related resources. Most relevant for CORPORA subscribers would probably
be the sections of the book that deal with linguistic aspects of electronic
textuality (pp. 1-26), the assessment of Web-based information systems in
general (pp. 106-155), exploratory textual analysis of textual Web data in
particular (pp. 156-182), and adaptive Web presentation techniques (pp.

URL  --->

In addition to an online introduction and the table
of contents, the following files are available for download:

---  The complete set of 78 figures (.gif with thumbnail preview).
---  The reference section comprising more than 880 entries (Endnote
library, HTML, BibTeX).
---  The Endnote style file used for producing the camera-ready copy.
---  Empirical data documenting 82 Web sites of the environmental
non-profit sector.
---  Slides of presentations given at the 8th European Conference on
Information Systems and the 14th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference (.pdf).

I hope that you will find this information
helpful in your teaching and research activities!

Best regards,
~ Arno Scharl

DDr. Arno Scharl, Associate Professor
Information Systems Department
Vienna University of Economics & Business Administration
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
email: scharl at
tel: ++(43) 1-31336-4444; fax: ++(43) 1-31336-746

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