Corpora: Searching for special issue on corpora

Wendy J. Anderson wja at
Thu Feb 1 18:31:48 UTC 2001

Dear all,
I'm trying to track down an issue of the French applied linguistics journal "Revue francaise de linguistique appliquee" - 1996 - a special issue on corpora ("Dossier corpus: de leur constitution...."), and so far having no luck.  My university library can't get hold of it on inter library loan, and the web page for the journal appears to have moved. Has anyone come across this issue in their own library, been successful in arranging a loan, or have bright ideas as to where I might be able to order a copy from?  All leads welcome!
Wendy J. Anderson 
PhD Student
Department of French
University of St Andrews
Buchanan Building
Union Street
St Andrews
Fife, KY16 9PH
wja at

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