Corpora: colloquium language technology, Brussels, 29 & 30 March 2001

Rita Temmerman rita.temmerman at
Sat Feb 10 17:03:34 UTC 2001

On-line registration available from:

Special rates for participants registering before 16 February
Focus on the language industry:

International Colloquium on Trends in Special Language and Language Technology 

(Brussels, 29 & 30 March 2001) 

Sponsored by Erasmushogeschool Brussels, De Nederlandse Taalunie and Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Trends in Special Language 

    a.. text, data and knowledge management 
    b.. corpora 
    c.. information retrieval 
    d.. terminology management)
Trends in Language Technology 

    a.. internet challenges 
    b.. computer translation and translation memory tools 
    c.. localisation technology 
    d.. controlled writing tools 
    e.. speech technology)
Academic corporate collaboration

Language Technology and Life Long Learning


Flemish Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Registration is open now.

Special rates for participants enrolling before 16 February 2001!!!!


    a.. Invited keynote speakers 
    b.. Topic speakers: language technology professionals 
    c.. Tool and technology Exhibition
Surf to  (on-line registration is possible)

For further information contact:

dr. Rita Temmerman
Coordinator Centrum voor Vaktaal en Communicatie (CVC)
Applied Linguistics
Trierstraat 84
B-1040 Brussels

** 32 2 230 12 60
rita.temmerman at 

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