Odp: Corpora: Polish-English parallel corpus

Tadeusz Piotrowski tadpiotr at plusnet.pl
Thu Feb 22 21:02:35 UTC 2001

There are some in private hands, but not too much. The one most easily
obtainable is the TELRI one, distributed on their CD-ROM, but that is only
one text, if I remember it correctly.

Tadeusz Piotrowski
                                              mailing address
Department of English
Opole University                    Chrobrego 20
Oleska 48                              PL-55-020 Zorawina (Zórawina)
              phone/fax (+48)71-3165847
              mobile (+48)607159263
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrea Sanso' <sanso at server.humnet.unipi.it>
To: <corpora at hd.uib.no>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 5:27 PM
Subject: Corpora: Polish-English parallel corpus

> Dear all,
> is there any freely accessible English-Polish parallel corpus?
> Thanks in advance,
> Best
> Andrea Sanso'

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