Corpora: CFP: IJCAI-01 Workshop on Ontology Learning OL-2001

Alexander Maedche ama at
Fri Jan 5 21:02:25 UTC 2001

***********   Call for Papers: Ontology Learning OL-2001  ***********
********************   IJCAI-2001 Workshop  *************************
********************   August 4, 2001, Seattle, USA *****************

Comprehensive information to be found at

For the workshop we intend to gather a diverse range of participants
interested in the machine learning of ontologies. In particular, we are
also interested in the maintenance (revision, incrementality) and
integration (from various sources) aspects of learning ontologies.

Topics of interest include, e.g.:
     Text mining for building ontologies
     Learning from machine-readable dictionaries
     Lexical acquisition
     Learning selectional restrictions
     Semi-automatic extending of ontologies (WordNet)
     Multi-relational learning / Inductive Logic Programming
     A-Box Mining
     Learning ontologies with inferences (e.g. description logics)
     Learning ontologies from the Web (from DTDs, XML, RDF)
     Cooperative learning of ontologies
     Learning translation rules between ontologies
     Reverse Engineering relational schemas to ontologies

Important Dates
 Deadline for paper submission: February 21, 2001
 Notification of acceptance: March 21, 2001
 Deadline final contributions: April 30, 2001

Organising Committee:
Alexander Maedche, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe
Steffen Staab, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe
Ed Hovy, ISI, University of Southern California
Claire Nedellec, LRI, Université Paris Sud

Program Committee:
Ido Dagan, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Dieter Fensel, Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL
Asuncion Gomez-Perez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Nicola Guarino, National Research Council, Padova, Italy
Udo Hahn, CLIF, University of Freiburg, Germany
Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester, UK
Paul Johannesson, University of Stockholm, Sweden
Jörg-Uwe Kietz, Swiss Life, Zurich, Switzerland
Yves Kodratoff, LRI, France
Bob Krovetz, NEC Research Institute
Stan Matwin, University of Ottawa, Canada
Deborah McGuinness, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
Robert Meersman, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Günter Neumann, DFKI, Germany
Marie-Christine Rousset, LRI, France
Rudi Studer, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Stefan Wrobel, University of Magdeburg, Germany

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