Corpora: Using SARA to query other corpora than the BNC

Hans Martin Lehmann hmlehman at
Thu Jun 21 07:36:02 UTC 2001

    Well if you can't get the prophet to the mountain, why not just
move the mountain to the prophet and reformat the corpora into a nice
format like sgml using the BNC dtd. In this way we could use them
with SARA. Reformatting corpora  is what we have to do to use many
other corpus access programs, so why not for SARA? As an additional
benefit sgml/xml-formatted corpora might inspire programmers to write
"more flexible, more general" software for corpus analysis.

Hans Martin Lehmann

PS And I really don't care about query results formatted for MS Word. ;-)

At 14:28 Uhr +0200 20.06.2001, Thomas Kuenneth wrote:
>Nonetheless I doubt that the use of Sara for querying other corpora is
>desirable. It is common sense that the software has been tailored to fit the
>structure of the BNC (or vice versa, which does not really matter here). I am
>not too sure if the software is flexible enough to meet the
>requirements of many
>other corpora
/ Hans Martin Lehmann          []  Englisches Seminar         \
| E-Mail: hmlehman at []  Universitaet Zurich        |
|  Phone: (41 1) 634 39 37     []  Plattenstrasse 47          |
\   Home: (41 1) 462 18 51     []  CH-8032 Zurich/Switzerland /

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