Corpora: ACL-2001 Human Language Technology & Knowledge Management Workshop CFP

Priscilla Rasmussen rasmusse at
Thu Mar 1 18:56:27 UTC 2001


ACL/EACL 2001 Conference
Toulouse, France
July 6-7, 2001

Human language technologies promise solutions to challenges in human
computer interaction, information access, and knowledge management.
Advances in technology areas such as indexing, retrieval, transcription,
extraction, translation, and summarization offer new capabilities for
learning, playing and conducting business. This includes enhanced
awareness, creation and dissemination of enterprise expertise and know-how.

This workshop aims to bring together the community of computational
linguists working in a range of areas (e.g., speech and language
processing, translation, summarization, multimedia presentation, content
extraction, dialog tracking) both to report advances in human language
technology, their application to knowledge management and to establish a
road map for the Human Language Technologies for the next decade.  The road
map will comprise an analysis of the present situation, a vision of where
we want to be in ten years from now, and a number of intermediate
milestones that would help in setting intermediate goals and in measuring
our progress towards our goals.

The workshop will be structured into two days, the first which will address
new research in human language technology for knowledge management that
addresses problems including but not limited to:

   * Expert Discovery:  Modeling, cataloguing and tracking of distributed
     organizations and communities of experts.
   * Knowledge Discovery:  Identification and classification of knowledge
     from unstructured multimedia data.
   * Knowledge Sharing: Awareness of and access to enterprise expertise and

Human language technology promises solutions to these challenges through
technologies such as:

   * Automated retrieval, extraction, and enrichment of information and
     knowledge from multimedia, multilingual, and multiparty information
   * Translingual or crosslingual retrieval, presentation, and sharing of
   * Automated detection and tracking of emerging topics from unstructured
     multimedia data (e.g., documents, web, video news broadcasts).
   * Use of knowledge sources to facilitate knowledge mapping and access
     (e.g., lexicosemantic such as Word-Net, semantic such as geospatial
     Gazetteers, semistructured such as thesauri, encyclopedia, fact books)
   * Automated question-answering from heterogeneous source
   * Intelligent tools that support the automated bibliometrics and
     document analysis/understanding in support of discovery of distributed
     experts and communities of expertise
   * Summarization and presentation generation of knowledge (e.g.,
     knowledge maps, lessons learned).
   * Modeling of user knowledge, beliefs, plans, (dis)abilities and
     preferences from queries, created artifacts, and human computer

The second day of the workshop will target the formulation and refinement
of a road map for the Human Language Technologies for the next decade.
Participants will help formulate grand challenge problems, discuss possible
data sets and/or evaluation metrics/methods that could form the basis of
more scientific methods, articulate the role of and necessary advances in
human language technology to solve these challenges, as well as identify
and characterize early innovations and issues (e.g., robustness,
scalability, ontology, privacy).


   * Mark Maybury (Chair),  The MITRE Corporation, maybury at
   * Niels Ole Bernsen (Co-chair), University of Southern Denmark,
     nob at
   * Steven Krauwer, ELSNET,  U. Utrecht, steven.krauwer at
   * Irma Becerra-Fernandez,  Florida International University,
     becferi at
   * Paul Heisterkamp, Daimler-Chrysler Research Ulm,
     paul.heisterkamp at
   * Arjan van Hessen, IP GLOBALNET / U. Twente, hessen at
   * Pierre Isabelle, XEROX Grenoble, pierre.isabelle at
   * Enrico Motta, The Open University, e.motta at
   * Jose Pardo, ELSNET, Univ.Politecnica Madrid, pardo at
   * Oliviero Stock, IRST Trento, stock at
   * Henry Thompson HCRC LTG, University of Edinburgh, ht at
   * Hans Uszkoreit, DFKI Saarbruecken, uszkoreit at
   * Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield, yorick at
   * Rick Wojcik, Boeing Phantom Works, richard.h.wojcik at
   * Antonio Zampolli, ELSNET, U. Pisa, pisa at


The target audience of the workshop includes active researchers,
developers, appliers/entrepreneurs and funders of human language technology
in general as well as how it is applied to knowledge management
applications.  While we  project a high degree of interest in this topic,
we intend to restrict attendance based upon the quality of paper
submissions to foster high quality interchange and progress.


This workshop is sponsored by the European Network of  Excellence in Human
Language Technologies (ELSNET) who will be funding one or two invited


Both papers and demonstration submissions are encouraged, either on HLT in
general or its application to KM systems.  Papers targeted at the first day
on HLT for KM should clearly articulate the knowledge management problem
addressed, the technical approach to solving that, the novelty of the
approach, its relation to previous work, the evaluation or performance of
the system or method, and discussion of limitations. Papers targeted at the
second day on human language technology direction should be authored so
they could be integrated into a more general HLT roadmap and so should
include a definition of the HLT area addressed (e.g., information
extraction, translation, speech recognition), a statement of the grand
challenges or problems in the subfield, an articulation/analysis of the
current state of the art, a vision of where the community wants to be in
ten years from now, a set of intermediate milestones that would help to set
intermediate goals and measure/evaluate progress toward these goals.

Submissions must be in English, no more than 8 pages long, and in the
two-column format prescribed by ACL'2001. Please see the ACL Style Guides
for the detailed guidelines. Submissions should be sent electronically in
Word (preferably) or PDF or ASCII text format to arrive no later than April
2, 2001 to Paula MacDonald (pmmmac at  As soon as possible,
authors are encouraged to send a brief email indicating their intention to
participate to include their contact information and the topic they intend
to address in their submission.

Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance, innovation,
quality, and presentation according to the schedule below.


   o Submission Deadline:            2 April 2001
   o Notification :                 30 April 2001
   o Camera Ready Papers Due:       16 May 2001
   o Conference Dates:             6-7 July 2001


July 6 and 7, 2001


A Workshop web site has been set up at

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