Corpora: NODALIDA '01 - Final call

Jörg Tiedemann joerg at
Fri Mar 2 17:22:32 UTC 2001

NODALIDA '01 - Uppsala, May 21-22, 2001

Final call for participation

NOTE! Deadline for submission: March 5, 2001!

March 02, 2001

NODALIDA '01, the 2001 Nordic Conference in Computational Linguistics
will be held at Uppsala, May 21-22, 2001, hosted by the Department of
Linguistics at Uppsala University.

Program Committee

Anna Sågvall Hein	Uppsala University, Sweden, UU, chair
Lars Ahrenberg		Linköping University, LiU, Sweden
Rolf Carlson		Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden
Robin Cooper		Göteborg University, GU, Sweden
Kimmo Koskenniemi	Helsinki University, HU, Finland
Bente Maegaard		Centre for Language Technology, CST, Denmark
Torbjörn Nordgård	Norwegian University of Science and
			Technology, NTNU, Norway

Invited speakers

Speech technology:
Merle Horne, Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University

Computer-assisted Language Learning:
Eckhard Bick, Institute of Language and Communication, University of
Southern Denmark

The conference is open for all branches of computational linguistics.
The following topics for special sections have been selected:

    * computational semantics
    * computer-assisted language learning
    * machine translation
    * speech technology.

Abstracts within these topics are particularly welcome. If you have
suggestions for workshops or other topics relevant for special
sections, please contact Mats Dahllöf (mats.dahllof at

The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 5, 2001.

Abstracts should be written in Danish, English, Norwegian, or Swedish,
and be no longer than 1000 words. Please submit your abstract by
e-mail to Mats Dahllöf (mats.dahllof at in the form of plain
text and in the body of the e-mail. (The HTML-tags <p>, <i>, and </i>
may be used to indicate new paragraph and for emphasis, respectively.)

Participants will be notified about acceptance by April 2, 2001.
Selected papers will be published after the conference.

The deadline for registration for all participants is
April 17, 2001. Register by e-mail to nodalida at
The registration fee will be SEK 500, including conference
proceedings, coffee, etc. Conference dinner is not included.
More detailed information will be announced later.

Home page:

Satellite Seminar

In conjunction with NODALIDA 2001, a one-day General Seminar will be
arranged on May 20th, as part of the Nordic Language Technology
Research Program 2000-2004- The program has been launched by the
Nordic Council of Ministers, see further
The seminar will include a session on Graduate Training in
Computational Linguistics/Language Engineering, chaired by Kimmo
Koskenniemi, and two panels devoted to the commercial aspects of
Language Technology:

	 * Via Prototype to Product
	 * Language Technology in Practice.

The practical arrangements of the General Seminar will be co-ordinated
with NODALIDA 2001.

Welcome to Uppsala!

Anna-Sågvall Hein

**  Department of Linguistics          **
**  Uppsala University               tel: (018) 471 2252           **
**  S-751 20 Uppsala/SWEDEN          fax: (018) 471 1416           **

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