Corpora: [NLPRS-2001] Second Call for Papers

Jing-Shin Chang jshin at
Tue May 15 09:20:50 UTC 2001

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Last Update: 2001/05/15

                 NLPRS 2001 Second Call For Papers

                    6th Natural Language Processing
                      Pacific Rim Symposium
                        27 - 29 November, 2001
                      National Center of Science
                            Tokyo, Japan



General Conference Chair: Jun-ichi Tsujii (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; CCL/UMIST, UK)

Program Chair:            Keh-Yih Su (Behavior Design Corporation, Taiwan)
Program Co-Chairs:        Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST, Nara, Japan)
                          Tian-Shun Yao (Northeastern University, China)

Advisory Board Members:   Key-Sun Choi (KAIST, Korea)
                          Jun-ichi Tsujii (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; CCL/UMIST, UK)

Local Organization Chair: Hiroshi Nakagawa (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)

Scope of the Conference

NLPRS has contributed to the promotion and circulation of both
research efforts and application development in Natural Language
Processing related fields, and has been held every other year in the
past. Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished
research on all aspects of natural language processing related areas,
including, but not limited to: pragmatics, discourse, semantics,
syntax, morphology and lexical acquisition; knowledge acquisition
(especially via unsupervised learning); corpus analysis; statistical
language modeling; spoken and written language analysis and
generation; machine translation and translation aids;
language-oriented information retrieval and information extraction;
text mining; approaches to coordinating the linguistic in multi-modal
interaction; reading comprehension; natural language interfaces and
dialogue systems; message and narrative understanding systems;
Internet applications; tools and resources; and evaluation of systems.

Both Regular Papers and Project Notes are welcome.


Papers should emphasize original and completed work rather than
intended work. Why the proposed approaches are adopted is more
important than the description of what has been done. Whenever
possible, statistically significant test should be conducted and
concrete evaluation results should be included. A paper accepted for
presentation at NLPRS 2001 cannot be presented or have been presented
at any other meeting with publicly available published
proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other conferences must
be indicated clearly in the title page.


The reviewing of the papers will be blind. Reviewing will be managed by
an international Conference Program Committee. Each submission will be
reviewed by three reviewers.

Submission Procedure

You are requested to first register your submission by July 10, 2001.
This can be done by filling out an electronic form that will be
accessible at the Paper Submission Web at:

You will get a paper ID code, after you have completed
the registration procedure. The assigned paper ID code
must appear on your submission, and it will be used
in all the following communications.

Although electronic submission is strongly recommended,
hardcopy submission is also accepted. However, if electronic submission
is selected, the file format must be readily browsable and printable
in PS (PostScript) or PDF format.

See Submission Details below for more information.

Important Dates

     Paper registration deadline:                 July, 10th, 2001
     Paper submissions deadline:                  July, 16th, 2001
     Notification of acceptance:                  August, 26th, 2001
     Camera ready papers due:                     September, 26th, 2001

     NLPRS 2001 Conference:                       November, 27-29, 2001

Program Committee

	Ananiadou, Sophia (University of Salford, UK)
	Asanee, Kawtrakul (Kasetsart Univ., Thailand)
	Boitet, Christian (CLIPS-GETA, France)
	Chang, Jason S. (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
	Chang, Jing-Shin (National Chi-Nan Univ., Taiwan)
	Chen, Hsin-Hsi (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
	Chen, Keh-Jiann (IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
	Church, Kenneth (AT&T Labs-Research, USA)
	Dale, Robert (Language Technology Group Pty Ltd, Australia)
	Dong, Zhendong (Chinese Information Processing Society of China, China)
	Estival, Dominique (Syrinx Speech Systems, Australia)
	Hovy, Eduard (USC Information Sciences Institute, USA)
	Huang, Chu-Ren (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
	Inui, Kentaro (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
	Ishizaki, Masato (Japan Advanced Inst. of Science & Technology, Japan)
	Kageura, Kyo (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
	Kashioka, Hideki (ATR-SLT / NAIST, Japan)
	Kurohashi, Sadao (Kyoto University, Japan)
	Lee, Gary Geunbae (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
	Lee, Yong-seok (Conbuk National University, Korea)
	Li, Hang (NEC Corporation, Japan)
	Lin, Dekang (University of Alberta, Canada)
	Lua, Kim-Teng (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
	Macklovitch, Elliott (Universite de Montreal, Canada)
	Molla Aliod, Diego (Macquarie University, Australia)
	Myaeng, Sung Hyon (Chungnam National University, Korea)
	Nagata, Masaaki (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, Japan)
	Ng, Hwee Tou (DSO National Laboratories, Singapore)
	Ock, Cheol-Young (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea)
	Okumura, Manabu (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
	Palmer, Martha (Univ. Penn, USA)
	Park, Jong Cheol (KAIST, Korea)
	Park, Sangkyu (Linguistic Engineering Department, ETRI, Korea)
	Pustejovsky, James (Brandeis Univ., USA)
	Ra, Dong-Yul (Yonsei University, Korea)
	Resnik, Philip (University of Maryland, USA)
	Rim, Hae-Chang (Korea University, Korea)
	Riza, Hammam (BPP Teknologi, Indonesia)
	Sangal, Rajeev (Indian Institute of Information Technology, India)
	Sarkar, Anoop (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
	Seo, Jungyun ( Inc., Korea)
	Sornlertlamvanich, Virach (NECTEC, Thailand)
	Sproat, Richard (AT&T Labs - Research, USA)
	Sun, Maosong (Tsinghua University, China)
	Swen, Bing (ICL, Peking University, China)
	Tanaka, Kumiko (University of Tokyo, Japan)
	Tokunaga, Takenobu (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
	Tsou, Benjamin K. (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
	Uchimoto, Kiyotaka (Communications Research Laboratory, Japan)
	Uszkoreit, Hans (University of Saarbruecken, Germany)
	Vossen, Piek (Irion, Netherlands)
	Wilks, Yorick (University of Sheffield, UK)
	Wu, Dekai (HKUST, Human Language Technology Center, Hong Kong)
	Wu, Lide (Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
	Yusoff, Zaharin (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
	Zhou, Joe F (Intel China Research Center, Beijing, China)
	Zhou, Ming (Microsoft Research, Beijing, China)

Submission Details

Format and Style

The length of the paper should be limited to 8 double-column
pages of A4 size, including the bibliography part. The point size
of the characters should not be smaller than 10 point size to
make the paper easily readable.

To allow blind review, the submission for review should include
the title of the paper, a unique paper ID assigned by the program
committee (*See "Paper Pre-registration" below), a 150-word abstract,
and up to 5 keywords. This means that your submission should have
the following layout on the first page:

	Title: This is My Submission to NLPRS-2001
	PaperID: 00123 (unique paper ID acquired when registration)
	Keywords: Lexicon Acquisition, ... (at most 5 keywords)
	Abstract: ... (less than 150 words)

After the submission is accepted, the authors should submit
a camera-ready copy of the paper by replacing the unique paper ID
with the name and affiliation of each author, and e-mail address of
the author responsible for correspondence.

A style sheet (in both Microsoft Word and LaTeX template files) is
available at the following URL:

However, the submission must be converted into PS (PostScript) or PDF
format before submission.

Paper Registration

The authors should register the papers in advance in order
to get a unique paper ID for each paper, and use the unique ID
for author identification throughout the reviewing process.
The authors are also requested to fill a form for each submission,
indicating the subcategorization of each paper.

The registration and submission procedure is outlined as follows:

1. AUTHOR IDENTIFICATION: The first author (or any responsible author)
   should visit the web page at:

   to register a username and password for author identification.
   An email address should be given for confirmation.

2. PAPER REGISTRATION: The author then uses this username and password
   to enter the paper registration pages of the above website.
   In the registration pages, the author will be asked to fill a form
   for each paper, indicating the title of the paper, and the contact
   information of the authors. The paper will then be given a unique
   paper ID for the registered paper. You can register more than one paper
   and get the associated paper IDs, one for each paper.

   PAPER CHARACTERIZATION: The author will also be requested to fill
   a form indicating the characteristics of the paper. Such information will
   be used for matching the papers with the reviewers to ensure
   that your submissions are reviewed by the most appropriate

3. Once you have registered the paper for submission and got the
   unique paper ID, you can use the paper ID together with the
   paper title to submit your paper. (Any other author identification
   information, explicit or implicit, should be suppressed for
   blind review.)

   This means that your submission should have the following layout
   on the first page:

	Title: This is My Submission to NLPRS-2001
	PaperID: 00123 (unique paper ID acquired when registration)
	Keywords: Lexicon Acquisition, ... (at most 5 keywords)
	Abstract: ... (less than 150 words)

   To submit the paper electronically, you can visit the above
   website, and click the paper submission link to launch a paper
   submission/upload page. You then provide the paper ID
   and the local filename of your submission,
   and press the "Submit" button to upload your paper.

4. Upon notification of acceptance, you can use the same step
   to submit your camera-ready copy of the paper, with all
   author information replacing the paper ID.

Electronic Submission

If you choose to submit electronically. The papers should be
submitted in PostScript or PDF format to ensure that the non-ASCII
characters (such as Asian CJK characters) can be safely printed by the
reviewers in different countries.

Word processor (such as Microsoft Word) or LaTeX source files will
not be accepted.

To ensure portability of the files, use TrueType 1 fonts wherever
possible. Do not use bitmapped versions of fonts such as Computer
Modern if you can avoid it. Some printer drivers have settings that
directly address the portability issue, offering the options
for "optimizing speed" or "optimizing portability".
You should select the "optimize for portability" setting(s)
wherever possible.

Hardcopy Submission

If you choose to submit hardcopies to the program committee,
you should send 5 copies of each papers to the following

	Dr. Keh-Yih Su (NLPRS-2001)
	Behavior Design Corporation
	2F, No. 5, Industrial East Road IV
	Science-Based Industrial Park
	Hsinchu, TAIWAN 30043

The paper should be formatted as demonstrated in the style sheet
files. And, the paper size should be A4, unless you have problems
in preparing the A4 copies.

Submission Problems

For any online submission problems, please check the
Paper Submission Web at:

or contact:

	jshin at

for technical assistance.

Further Information

Please check the web-site at

for most updated information.

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