Corpora: History of plagiarism

Paul Clough p.clough at
Wed Nov 7 10:07:42 UTC 2001

Dear All,

I would like to compile a short report regarding the history of plagiarism
detection and plagiarism studies in general. Does anyone have examples of
"famous" plagiarism cases or know of work investigating plagiarism
throughout the ages. For example has the increase of information in
electronic form, the development of word processors or access to the
Internet increased the number of plagiarism cases?

I have compiled a report discussing plagiarism detection in both software
and free text. This can be found in HTML form at: and
PDF format at:

I am currently compiling a website detailing plagiarism detection
strategies, including references, pointers to commerical plagiarism
detection software and some home-produced software for this interesting



Paul Clough

Natural Language Processing Group,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Sheffield,
G35 Regent Court,
211 Portobello Street,
S1 4DP.

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